Friday, January 23, 2009

houses and freezing cold temps

We are back below zero again after enjoying balmy temps in the 20's. Amazing how much warmer it feels when you get over 20! Baby its cold outside!!
We have officially taken a huge step of faith. No leap of a cliff...not knowing what at the bottom...we made an offer on a house we really think could work for our family. Asking God to open the hearts and minds of the sellers and receive this offer joyfully. After taking our house off the market and trying to sell it ourselves, we just received three phone calls today on it. One person is going over to see the house today! We have asked God to sell our house in January. The coldest, bleakest time of the year in the Midwest. It's hard to even utter those kinds of prayers for fear of disappointment, but, I have come to believe that any "No" you receive from the throne is always for the sake of a greater "Yes".
Do your thing God...amaze us, show off; and thrill us with your glory! You are God alone! We are trusting You completely because we are completely Yours!

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