Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flood Prep

Living in Fargo has proved to be quite challenging for several reasons. However, at the top of the list has got to be dealing with the weather here. The Olson's always told us living in Fargo was much different than southern Minnesota or anywhere else in the Midwest. I didn't believe them for a second. I have lived in the Dakota's or in MN for most of my life and have experienced my share of snow,wind, and rain. However, I must say....the Olson's were right. There is no other place ON THE EARTH as troubling as they weather pattern in Fargo.
Currently, thousands of people are filling sandbags and then distributing them around the neighborhoods expecting the greatest deal of flooding from the Red River. We are very close to the river, but seem to be on one of the higher spots in the neighborhood. Such an interesting concept when everything in the Red River Valley is flat.
McKenzie has done her part and carried sandbags for three days in a row now. Last night, we made two big pots of chili to feed the hungry sandbaggers. (Sounds like a nasty name doesn't it? or at least something my dad calls Troy!) I keep telling Troy "Don't just sit there! Do something! Our city is going under!!" totally kidding...he has done his part too!!
We all have to pitch in and help,but I can't help but think that Jesus is still the God of this City and the King of these people. He is in control. In that, we rest.

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